Thursday, July 18, 2013

Candy Crush

Candy Crush saga is a metaphor for my life. And maybe yours.

This highly addictive game is so for a reason, I believe. It parallels real life in the palm of your hand. Perhaps the developers didn't intentionally embed important life allegories in this game. However, I am an over-analytic and I have figured out why I love this game. In addition to distracting me from the pains of erupting wisdom teeth, this game has taught me more about my life than I thought a game was capable of.

1. It gets more difficult with each level
Sometimes they decrease your moves. Or they time you (Damn those levels). But regardless of how it happens, rest assured that the next level will kick your butt. As with life, it only gets more complicated. I mean, who knew that as an adult I'd have to worry about more than buying candy in a bulk. Apparently paying for health insurance, mortgages, and telephone bills is a lot harder than getting over a hangover after a Saturday night of binge drinking. No one ever tells you that it gets easier. If they do, they lie!

2. There is a fair bit of luck involved
Don't you hate it when you're just one move away from getting that last jelly and you run out of moves? Yes, it happens about 18 times until you finally get multiple striped candies in the beginning and voila, you have completed this level with 27 moves left. So, the game just proceeds to award you the maximum number of points you could get if you continued. The whole "right place at the right time" thing is a recurring theme in life as well. And if that's not luck, I don't know what is.

3. Combining two awesome things is multiplicative
Striped candy + sprinkled chocolate = 'nuff said. I will refer to happy hour for this. Half off appetizers AND beer is not just twice as better as drink deals; it's infinitely better. Also, if your best gal pal happens to join you at this booze fest, its awesomeness can only be compared to that of striped candy + sprinkled chocolate.

4. It's not always as it seems
Remember when you thought chocolate was your solution to every problem? And then you came across Candy Crush which was evidence that it grows like a leech until it ruins your game. In real life, this is equivalent to getting addicted to a new TV show. You think it's not bad for you, but then you realize it is 4 am on a Tuesday and you still have 3 more episodes to close off this season of Game of thrones.

5. You don't know how it ends
I am on level 86 and I have been playing for about 4 months. It definitely goes beyond level 136. However, I have no idea how this will end. Maybe I will give up one day. Or my friends will stop helping me out with tickets. Or facebook will blow up. You know, like real life?

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