Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I do

"I can't believe they're dating. Well, I'm really happy for them," I ended the conversation and turned off the landline as my mother walked into my room. She sat on my bed and stared at me as I continued working on my Physics problem set. "Who started dating?" she asked. "Oh, just two of my friends. I played soccer with them," I replied nonchalantly without even looking up. "You played soccer with both of them? They're both girls?" my mother gasped. "Yeah, so?" I asked rhetorically.

It was a rhetorical question ten years ago and it is rhetorical even now. Thankfully, my mother's views evolved. However, it seems that corners of our society have remained resolute in their ignorance. I must say that I am appalled by the incredible support of Proposition 8 and DOMA. I believe that everyone's opinions are respectable. However, I also recognize that the innate nature of rights makes them universal. They should not be voted upon just because some people cannot comprehend the happiness of others. 

But let's play their game for now and allow them to present their arguments logically. Every point is eventually backed up by science or by religion. I am ready to fight them on both of those counts. And unlike Paul Clement, I'll try not to circumvent what was laid out in 1996.

Let's tackle science first. One major argument from the supporters has been that it is "unnatural" since sex between two individuals of the same gender is not a tool for procreation. However, science argues that sex (gay or straight) has other advantages. According to zoologists, over 1500 mammalian species engage in homosexual behavior. In some species, sex is used to resolve violent conflicts. Imagine that! It's like the entire animal kingdom is still enjoying the freedom of the sixties era and yet we have chosen to regress and deem this behavior bizarre. 

Next up, religion. Yes, this began as a moral argument. 

“It is inherently wrong and harmful individual’s families and societies,” former Rep. David Funderburk 
“An attack on God’s principles,” former Rep. Steve Buyer
“The flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundations of our society—the family unit,” former Rep. Bob Barr

It is apparent that the supporters of DOMA are mainly using the religious shield. So I quote, "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."- Corinthians 4:5, King James Bible. 

I think it is pretty clearly stated in here to NOT judge as this is an action reserved for God. So really, even from a religious point of view, bigotry is untolerated. Religion is for the people; People are NOT for the religion. Let the thoughts of religion make you more compassionate and loving instead of hateful and dogmatic. 

My two friends from high-school are now engaged to each other. While many relationships fizzled away when factors like long-distance were introduced, theirs passed the test of time and stood strong. That is true love.

samo 'ham sarva-bhutesu 
na me dvesyo 'sti na priyah 
ye bhajanti tu mam bhaktya 
mayi te tesu capy aham

I am the same to all creatures; I know not hatred nor favor; but those who serve me with love dwell in me and I in them. (Bhagvad Gita, Ch. 9, verse 32)


  1. Does the red velvet cake represent the "=" sign that we've been seeing?

    1. Yes Ma'am! The equal sign is the white frosting, literally and figuratively.
