Saturday, April 16, 2011

Eternal moment

Consider time as a complex element. Now re-consider it as a mathematically complex element (a+bi) with a real term and an imaginary term.

If you are like me, you are probably thinking, WTF?!! How can time be defined on the imaginary axis? Of all the parameters we investigate, time is the only parameter that should be both real and irreversible. However, a recent seminar ( I attended presented time as a particularly complex phenomenon.

Now switch modes from your objective, scientific mindset to perhaps a more subjective, artistic one. And re-evaluate the concept of time. Perhaps, think about the real component as time in which we live and imaginary term as time in which we think. It adds value to the mathematical point of view that begs one to think about time that way.

Needless to say, I wandered off on a tangent as I began thinking about how this concept falls into place in our lives. I immediately referred to my good friend, wikipedia ( and was amazed at the analysis of time in terms of biopsychology, time travel, big bang theory and core philosophy.

Ironically, by the time I returned to reality, the talk had reached conclusion. Time went by incredibly fast. The discrepancy between real time and imaginary time was finally apparent. I thought about the last 24 years. It seemed like they went by so fast. Then I thought about every time I had to present or perform a dance and each moment leading up to it seemed like eternity.

Even in our neuromotor control discussions, we are repeatedly faced with how we learn time-dependent tasks. Most of the studies have concluded that we in-fact don't learn in time-dependent coordinates, but instead in velocity, proprioceptive or visual coordinates. So, there is obviously an inconsistency of time in our perception, but it isn't obvious whether the real time is consistent either.

So what is consistent? What is real? This is clearly an open question and I am not sure anyone really has an answer, but we can definitely admit-- Time is a complex element!

"Time is making fools of us again." -J.K. Rowling

Friday, April 8, 2011

Four eyes

Every night as I crawl under my blanket, I take off my glasses and tuck them under my pillow. My sister, my father and my grandfather all followed the same ritual. Perhaps this is an old habit that I inherited. Or it is just another one of those small things that was meant to teach me a bigger lesson.

I never gave much thought to my eye glasses or the way I treated them until they broke one night. They were kept under my pillow for convenience and in the middle of the night, I rolled over them. The next morning, I woke up blind. My glasses were shattered and my world was blurry. I had to wear contact lenses for a whole week until I got a new pair. Unlike my old Prada beauties, the new maroon pair was Chesterfield Seventh Street 4. Not only was it not designer, it was cheap, funny-looking and I hated it. Nonetheless, my dad paid for it and restored my vision.

Last night, I noticed a crack on the frame. I spent over a year making these glasses a part of me. I tuck them under my pillow every night and for some odd reason, I now love them. However, I recognized two key things with this incident. First, I was forced to recognize the innate objective of eye-glasses to provide new sight and how they symbolize clarity and perspective. Secondly, it made me realize how easily we get attached.

Gaining new perspective on situations is the most proven way to be successful. It becomes even more important when you understand how it correlates with the desire for victory. Any incident can be viewed as a win as long as you approach it with the right "perspective". I spent several years chasing a dream that was neither a part of my fate, nor an honest ambition of mine. Now, I am doing what part of this world will consider pointless, another part will deem overly-ambitious and yet another part will be ignorant of how happy it really makes me. But it really does make me happy and therefore I am a winner for finding what I love.

I hope the US government can find some perspective on the issues our nation is facing. I am sure blame is not part of gaining perspective. Nor is shutting down completely. Perhaps, it would be "perspective" to learn from other countries that are actually doing it right and implement it on our government to pull out of this mess. Maybe, it would be "perspective" to recognize the mistakes of the past not as an excuse, but as an opportunity to improve upon a system that was created hundreds of years ago and is definitely due for an upgrade. It would be "perspective" to accept that you're NOT the supreme and just this once, you can opt to focus on problems on the home-front instead of judging, meddling, and "helping" the world.

Attachment has been described as the inevitable evil. Personally, I think my attachment has transcended the basic. I may even refer to myself as a generally possessive person. I am attached to my family, my friends, Chicago, my blanket, my memories, pretty much everything. Sometimes, I can't differentiate whether my feelings towards something are a result of my attachment or my stubborn-ness. I guess this is where I'll need "perspective"!

I believe America's attachment to power has grown to an addiction. However, like me, America is stubborn and divided. Each individual is attached with a group. Each group is attached to its principles. And each principle is attached to our downfall. This is where perspective isn't just an option, but a necessity.

America needs a pair of glasses. The brand should be honesty. The objective must be to recognize their attachments and find perspective on how to undo this mess. And the result will be a clearer and happier world for all us. I hope!

"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. "